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Matters of Concern

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
What happens early matters for a lifetime

At BRMC Little Lights, we apply our proprietary optimal blend of best practice in self-directed, query and play-based pedagogies such as IB PYP and Montessori on thematic curriculum of NEL, Right-on-Top Phonics, STEAM and information & communication technology that have proven to impact the outcome of childhood development from real-world evidence. 


The objectives of most preschool education is a holistic approach to development.  


Developmental factors that will affect learning - literary and cognitive skills to lay a strong foundation for an optimal blend of self and teacher directed learning skills to assimilate and discern the ever increasing facts and half truths inundating a highly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous global society. 


Those affecting living are physical & gross motor and fine motor skills, sensory and self help that will influence physical fitness and wellness in adulthood. Poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, lack of exercise and being overweight with poor nutrition have led to the increase in chronic medical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart diseases. Climate change and environment destructions such as deforestation have led to more zoonotic pandemics.


Factors affecting leaning on Christ-like character include spiritual, psychosocial and mental health development that will provide the Christ-led moral compass in the world where navigation is challenging with no absolute moral value, practice and authority which God intended in His creation of human beings in His image. The grounding of such values will provide the resilience that is needed in childhood development with increasing adverse childhood experiences from broken homes, domestic violence and neglect.








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  • A blend of thematic curriculum such as NEL & Montessori with self-directed IB PYP learning pedagogy

  • NEL 6 domains - bilingual language & literacy, Mathematics, Discovery of the World, Aesthetics & Creative Expression , Social & Emotional Skills and Motor Skills

  • Self-directed learning - IB PYP learner’s profile - 10 attributes - inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced and reflective

  • “Right-on-top” phonics - advances language development with an immersive English-based, art and media infused curriculum that enhance creative expression & critical thinking

  • Preparation for the digital future - basic computer programming, 3D printing & Robotics

  • STEAM - our proprietary STEAM education is an approach that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue and critical thinking it



  • An early start to understanding the ill effects of poor lifestyle habits such as smoking, excessive and poor nutritional choices, lack of exercise and obesity resulting in the increase in chronic medical diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart attacks.

  • A healthy nutritional diet in school, healthy eating habits, physical activity, wellness promotion - Health Promotion Board winning Platinum Tier healthy preschool award


  • A biblical worldview - The way that your child views the world is important for how they contribute to and interact with society as adults. Christian values will affect and foster this early on and provide a strong anchor in an increasing volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world​To start in early childhood to trust in the Lord with all their heart and not to lean on their own understanding. In all their ways to acknowledge Him and He will make their paths straight

  • Christ-like character- development immerse in God’s Truths of His Love and 

  • Spiritual disciplines - praying, reading the bible and worship reinforcing such behaviors practiced at Christian homes & churches - bearing the fruits of the Spirit

  • Loving God and loving our neighbours as ourselves.

© 2023 by BRMC Little Lights

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